Have you ever imagined of a complete Health club in Space!!!

But now everything is possible with our hydraulic based equipments.  

Over a period of days or weeks, an astronaut’s body experiences de-conditioning.  In this process, muscles grow weak from lack of use, and the heart and blood vessels “get lazy.”  Strenuous exercise helps prevent de-conditioning.  

After many months in space, a process called demineralization weakens the bones.  Most physicians believe that demineralization results from the absence of stress on the bones in a weightless environment.  The experiences of Soviet cosmonauts who spent long periods in orbit showed that vigorous exercise and a special diet can minimize demineralization.  

You must be aware that the gravitational force is 1/6th on the moon as of the planet earth. It means that a person doing workout with 100 kgs. weight he has to carry 600 kgs. of weight to the space to do his daily workout and where there is no gravitational force there you can have to carry tones of weights for your workout. But one need not worry of lifting weight (6 times) in the space shuttle as our hydraulic equipment can be fixed in the space shuttle irrespective of the gravitational force. The astronauts can carry their workout even in space without missing their daily workout routine as on earth. The day is not far away when people can remain healthy and fit even in space.  

You can have EXER-KING The Total Power which occupies only 3 feet x 6 feet space.

Max. 20 min is enough for a complete body work out on our machines.