Health and fitness is an issue that concerns all people and often organizations have to make sure that their employees are able and well.  

Health has always been a major priority. But with an increasing crazy lifestyle and an intense travel schedule, its getting tougher and tougher to find the time. CEO not only should have a healthy balance sheet but should also have a healthy and fit body. It is a general attitude that CEOS, MDs, GMs and Chairmen socialize too much and eat food, that is extremely rich on an everyday basis. Some of them workout, but not often enough. If and when they do exercise they fail to strike a balance between their diet (or nutrition) and exercise schedule. But the good part is that they’re all becoming more aware about FITNESS. The very fact that they hire personal trainers proves that they do want to be healthy, but fail to see the connection between their diets and workouts.

Office workers can suffer from DVT while at their desks. Sitting still for long periods of time can increase the risk of swollen ankles, lower leg pain and in some cases even lead to a fatal pulmonary embolism.

Blood Circulation/Muscle Relaxation

When you’re sitting upright and inactive for a long period of time, several things can happen:

  • The central blood vessels in your legs can be compressed, making it harder for the blood to get back to your heart.
  • Muscles can become tense, resulting in backaches and a feeling of excessive fatigue during, and even after your flight.
  • Some studies have concluded that prolonged immobility may be a risk factor in the formation of blood clots in the legs (DVT – deep vein thrombosis). Particular medications and medical conditions may increase the risk of formation of blood clots if associated with prolonged immobility.

So it seems that more of corporate and business heads are getting very conscious about their health. A time will soon come when investors will not worry so much about the health of a company’s balance sheet than the health of its CEO.


Stress is potential of exerting unwanted influence on a person’s susceptibility of various illnesses. It can also speedup the progress of diseases…ranging from cold to cancer.  There is a link to our evolutionary process and our body’s reaction to stress. In primitive times, human beings were constantly threatened by their environment and faced physical threats from animals and nature. Human beings have learnt with time to cope up with physical stresses. The heart pumps blood faster and our body is all set to face the forthcoming challenges. The fight or flight response triggered by the release of adrenaline, is also a part of our evolutionary process.

The problem, however, arises when the body is prepared yet incapable of facing his perils. For example, when a person is stuck in a traffic jam, a fight or flight response is of no use. There is nothing he can do. This cause the blood pressure to rise, the person looses his cool but it is all needless as the situation is beyond his control. The unnecessary rise of blood pressure is an example of stress related illness. It is actually an accumulation of frustration. There are various other determinants to stress related illnesses. Scientists have investigated in behavior oriented stress disorders. They have classified people into various types. Type A refers to those kind of people who are highly competitive and have a certain drive.

They are ambitious people who are ready to give it their heart and soul. Such people are goal oriented and are highly focused. Such people are also known as workaholics. Such people are always subjected to stress. On the other hand, there are people who have hardly any focus in life who may be unemployed or just plain complacent. They too can be equally prone to stress. It is actually a matter of resilience. Stress related order is very subjective as various people have various levels of tolerating stress. When the stress overpowers the tolerance level, stress related disorder is imminent.


Stress can lead to the following consequences:-

  • heart disease
  • chronic fatigue
  • anxiety attacks
  • mood swings
  • psychological distress
  • alcoholism
  • poor resistance against diseases.
  • chronic pain
  • colds
  • flu
  • viruses
  • headaches
  • depression
  • sleep problems
  • eating disorders
  • peptic ulcers
  • migraines

There is a direct connection between stress and different diseases. A medical research has found out that the good amount of people who visit the doctors are stressed out.  

There are different signs and symptoms related to Stress. The symptoms can be divided into four broad categories. 

  • Intellectual Symptoms
  • Emotional Symptoms
  • Physical Symptoms
  • Behavioral Symptoms

Intellectual Symptoms relate to the ways that stress can affect one’s mind. These may include the following:-

  • Lack of Concentration.
  • Negativity.
  • Poor Memory.
  • Lack of Rationality.
  • Confusion.

Emotional Symptoms relate to the ways that stress can make a person feel. These may include the following:-

  • Being very moody
  • Overreacting to certain things
  • Severe despondency or dejection.
  • Lack of confidence
  • Being short tempered

Physical Symptoms relate to the way stress can affect one’s body. These may include the following:-

  • Different body aches.
  •  Problems in the digestive system.
  • Chest pain.
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Skin problems
  • High blood pressure. 
  • Weight gain or loss.

Behavioral Symptoms relate to the ways stress can affect one’s behaviour. These may include the following:-

  • Being irresponsible.
  • Isolation from the outside world.

You can have EXER-GYM The Complete Range/ SLIMLINE Range for Women and Men / EXER-KING The Total Power, EXER-ROW Rowing Machine and EXER-STEP Machine.  Max. 20 min is enough for a complete body work out on our machines.

Space required will be hardly 400 sq. ft. to 600 sq. ft. 

An EXER-ROW Rowing Machine or EXER-KING The Total Power can be easily put in a cabin of the Director of the Company as the space required is 3 feet x 6 feet only.